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Fully Staffed with Board Certified Emergency Medicine Physicians
What does this mean? While all physicians must be licensed to practice, board certification signifies the highest level of accreditation within a given specialty, proving a high level of expertise.
Cleveland Area Hospital has partnered with OSU Emergency Medicine to bring 24/7 Board Certified Emergency Physicians to our emergency department. This team of board-certified emergency medicine physicians continues the advancement of quality of care provided at Cleveland Area Hospital.
Quicker Door-to-Physician Time
Experienced Emergency Medicine Physicians & Nurses with Extensive Training
24/7 Access to Hospital Services:
Respiratory Therapy
Close and Convenient Parking
Compassionate Customer Service Dedicated to Your Care

"Why did they get taken back first? I have been waiting longer..."
Understanding Triage Levels:
In an emergency room, patients are seen based on the severity of their condition. Triage is a standard practice used by healthcare facilities meant to assign degrees of urgency to ensure that those who need immediate attention receive care as quickly as possible.

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